Tokyo Car 1808
Vessel is due to arrive Auckland Wednesday May 9th and based on current information as received from Ports of Auckland, is due to commence discharge and loading of transhipment cargoes on May 15th.
Dream Jasmine v1853
All cargo for Lyttelton and Wellington will be transhipping on the Tokyo Car v1808. Current ETA to Lyttelton: 17th May. Current ETA to Wellington: 19th May.
Nelson cargo to tranship on Trans Future 7 v103 eta 15thMay.
Lake Taupo v1807
All Lyttelton cargo to tranship on the Tokyo Car v1808 eta 17thMay.
We apologise for these delays but with the number of vessels arriving and the high number of cars, berthage and wharf storage is stretched at the moment.
These delays are likely to continue throughout May due to the back up of vehicles in Japan.