Lake Taupo 1807 and Dream Jasmine 1853

Due to the discovery of Brown Marmurated and Yellow Spotted Stink Bugs on vessels originating from Asia, strict control levels have been implemented by Ministry Of Primary Industries (MPI) when vessels arrive in Auckland. As a result, instead of the usual 24hrs, vessels are now required to be alongside for 3 days or more to work through the processes required by MPI.
Additionally, volumes of vehicles ex Asia are reaching record levels with over 30,000 vehicles arriving in Auckland during the month of April. This is approximately twice the monthly average.

As a result, Ports of Auckland is not capable providing sufficient berth space for all vessels upon arrival nor sufficient land space for all vehicles to be discharged in a timely manner.
This is now resulting in severe congestion in the port with vessels waiting for a number of days just to get a berth without the certainty of sufficient space on the wharves to discharge cargoes on board.

At this stage, we are not in a position to tell you what delays will be incurred for Lake Taupo 1807 and/or Dream Jasmine 1853.

Armacup will continue to work with Ports of Auckland and MPI to ensure delays can be kept to an absolute minimum.

In the mean time we urge all customers to ensure all import documentation and payment processes are completed prior to both vessels’ arrivals in order to allow all cargoes to be removed from the port as soon as possible after discharge.

Armacup wishes to thank you for your understanding and your continuous support.

Phone: +64 9 303 3314

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