Preparing for 1 January

Kia ora

Welcome to the latest update from the Clean Car Standard (CCS) programme.

There are a few items to let you know about – the most important being the system changes that take effect on 1 January.

We will be running more webinars in January to explain the changes further, so please keep an eye out for registration information which will be sent out in the new year. Keep reading to find out about what’s happening.

In the meantime, we’d like to extend our sincere thanks for all your support this year. We’ve come a long way, and could not have got to this point without your input, guidance and collaborative approach. We really appreciate your efforts and expertise – thank you.

Season’s greetings and all the best for a safe and happy new year.

Ngā mihi

The Clean Car Standard team


What’s changing in the CCS system from 1 January


  • Vehicles in your CO2 account will display a CCS CO2 value (called the CO2 difference in the system).
  • The CO2 difference will show as positive or negative, with positive values resulting in a credit and negative values resulting in a charge.
  • Any light vehicle not accepted by 31 December 2022 will be subject to the scheme (ie, charges and credits).
  • Acceptance for each vehicle will be manual: for new vehicles acceptance is needed to complete the WoF/CoF; for used vehicles acceptance is needed to enable registration.
  • You will have the ability to reject or dispute any vehicles that you think should not be in your account.
  • While you will see charges (and credits) accruing in the system from 1 January, you won’t be required to make any payments until 1 June 2023 (for Pay As You Go), or until 2024 (for Fleet Average).
  • If you’d like to be on Fleet Average by 1 January, submit your application as soon as possible to allow time for the assessment process to be completed.
  • From January, we recommend that you review your account regularly. You will need to manually accept vehicles so that there is no hold up in your importation process.


Status triggers in the CCS system from 1 January


There are three vehicle categories that will appear on your home page from 1 January 2023 – ‘Vehicles entered in CCS system’, ‘Vehicles ready for acceptance’ and ‘Vehicles accepted’. These are shown in the image above.

Vehicles will appear in the CCS system under ‘Vehicles entered in CCS system’ once the vehicle record is created in MVR and a CCS account number has been assigned. For used light vehicles and parallel imports, the assignment is performed in Fuelsaver. For new light vehicles, this is automatically assigned in MIAMI.

From 1 January used and parallel imported light vehicles, once entry certified, will move to the second status, ‘Vehicles ready for acceptance’. New light vehicles will move to this status once the vehicle has been PDI’d (gone through pre-delivery inspection).

Vehicles will move to the ‘Vehicle accepted’ status once the importer has logged on to the CCS system, selected the vehicle and confirmed acceptance. For used and parallel imported light vehicles this vehicle can now be registered. For new light vehicles, this vehicle can now have the WoF/CoF completed.


Used vehicle industry – options for submitting the account number at entry certification


In response to feedback from importers and entry certifiers, we are providing more options for how the CCS CO2 account number can be provided at entry certification.

  • A printed fuel consumption statement attached to the certification documentation is acceptable.
  • Inspecting organisations can now hold an ‘importer instruction’ on file. This should be a written statement on letterhead, advising that any vehicle presented by an employee of the business, can be assigned to the named CCS CO2 account. The instruction must be signed by the importer/customer. If this instruction is in place, you won’t need to provide a separate CCS CO2 account number form each time.
  • Electronic CCS CO2 account forms are acceptable.
  • A paper-based CCS CO2 account form can still be used and is particularly relevant for low volume/one off importers. The form will include the VIN/Chassis number to allow for better auditing. This form is on Fuelsaver.


Fuelsaver updates


Further updates are being made to Fuelsaver in December.

  • An Application Programming Interface (API) is being published that allows large volume users to supply vehicle data electronically and assign them to CCS CO2 accounts. This has many benefits with data populated early and accurately.
  • The vehicles assigned to CCS CO2 accounts in Fuelsaver will only appear in accounts once the vehicle has cleared Customs. In the interim to enable importers to see which vehicles have been assigned to which accounts, the enquiry in the Rightcar dealer resources section will be updated to enable the CSV file to show this information.
  • Finally, we have updated the reference file of vehicles. Importers are finding this file highly valuable to provide a good indication what CCS values to expect for vehicles being purchased and imported. We have updated this file adding additional columns of information to make it even more useful. And this link is being added to our website to make it easier to find.


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