
Re: NZTA CCS Update 23 March 2023

Please see below the latest CCS notice from NZTA


Kia ora

This update is focused on providing you with information about payments and credits.

From 1 June:

  • PAYG importers need to start making payments for vehicles.
  • PAYG importers who have incurred charges between 1 January and 31 May will need to pay their balance.
  • Credits can be used to offset PAYG charges or transferred.

We will provide a range of materials (newsletters, website information, training guides and webinars) to help you prepare for 1 June. Look out for these during April and May.

We’ve also included a reminder about the automated monthly emails to PAYG importers with pending charges.

Ngā mihi
The Clean Car Standard team


Payments – for PAYG

Since 1 January 2023, charges and credits have been accruing for all vehicles accepted into CO2 accounts.

Charges and the total pending charges balance are visible in CO2 accounts.


When you’ll be charged:

  • From 1 June 2023, PAYG importers will have to pay at the point that their charge vehicles are accepted in their CO2 account.
  • From 1 June 2023, PAYG importers will also have to pay the accumulated charges for charge vehicles they accepted between 1 January 2023 and 31 May 2023.

Payment options

  • PAYG payments will be done via secure credit card or POLi payment within the CCS system.
  • Payment options include using credits to offset charges.


Credit offsetting and transfers

Credit offsetting and transfers will be available from 1 June.

  • Credits can be held by importers, used to offset CCS charges, or traded with other importers – involving a transfer between CCS CO2 accounts.
  • A CCS credit can’t be redeemed for cash with Waka Kotahi but can have a monetary value for importers wanting to trade credits with other CCS account holders.
  • The transfer function can be done within the CCS system. However, any agreements or payment between parties for the purchase of credits needs to be carried out outside of the CCS system. Waka Kotahi will only be involved in the transfer of credits between accounts on the instruction of the account wishing to transfer credits.
  • Credits can only be transferred between importers of the same class of vehicle – new to new and used to used.
  • Credits can be transferred between PAYG and Fleet Average accounts.
  • A credit expires three calendar years from the end of the year it was earned, unless it’s used to offset charges before then.
  • The expiry date of a credit remains the same even if it’s transferred to another account.
  • From 1 June 2023, Pay as You Go (PAYG) account holders can transfer credits to another CO2 account by trading them. There’s no limit to the number of credit transfers that can be made.
  • Fleet Average account holders won’t have any credits on vehicles they’ve imported until 1 January 2024 and only if their annual net balance results in a credit position from the previous year. They can however receive and trade credits from other accounts.
  • Credit transfers will be subject to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirements.


Automated email about pending charges

If you’re on the PAYG scheme and have vehicles that have incurred charges on your account, you’ll receive an automated monthly email letting you know the total of those charges. This is not a net balance and does not take into account any credits you may have accrued.

Please note this is a courtesy email to help you stay across your CCS financial obligations. It provides you with a point-in-time view of your pending charges, which may change over time.

You don’t need to make any payment until after 1 June 2023.

Any credits you’ve accrued may be used to off-set your final balance when payment is due.

You can login to your CO2 account any time to check your real-time charges and credit balance. You can find this in the summary box at the top of your account page.


Team Autohub

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