
Re: Clean Car Standard Update – 22 May 2023


Please see the latest Clean Car Program announcement from NZTA


Kia ora


Welcome to the latest newsletter from the Clean Car Standard team.

In this update we include:

  • details of our final two webinars and how to register
  • a reminder to get AML verified if you want to trade credits from 1 June
  • information about where you can find more resources to help you prepare for 1 June.

As always, if you have any questions or would like more information, please give the team a call on 0800 141 801.

– the Clean Car Standard team

Final CCS webinars are this week – register now!


If you’re a PAYG (Pay As You Go) importer, make sure you register for a webinar about the 1 June Clean Car Standard changes.

Both webinars will cover exactly the same information – so you only need to come to one. Email us at to let us know which one you want to attend, and we’ll send you a link to join.



You can apply for AML verification now


If you want to be able to transfer credits between accounts (including trading with other importers) you need to be Anti-Money Laundering (AML) verified first.

Waka Kotahi has engaged an AML provider, AML Solutions, to undertake customer due diligence on our behalf.

They’ll require you to provide information that confirms your name, date of birth and postal address – such as your driver’s license or birth certificate. In the case of companies or trusts, the directors, shareholders, trustees and non-discretionary trust beneficiaries may also need to provide this information.

To start the process, get in touch with the Clean Car Standard team online through your CO2 account (use the Contact Us button), call us on 0800 141 801 or email

See our website for more information on AML verification.


Other resources to help you prepare for 1 June Clean Car Standard changes


From 1 June, if you’re a PAYG importer you’ll need to start paying charges as you accept vehicles in your account, and pay any charges incurred between 1 January and 31 May. Credits will also be available for offsetting charges and transferring with other importers.

We’ve got plenty of information about the changes on our dedicated ‘1 June changes’ webpage: 1 June CCS changes.

Here you’ll find more information about the changes – including:

  • how to make payments
  • how to use credits to offset charges
  • how to transfer credits
  • AML verification
  • the CCS Account Register.

You’ll also find links to other useful resources including our 1 June changes flyer, a video explaining the payment and credit process, and more.


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