Re: Update on the new Clean Car Rebate/Penalty implementation
We have just received this update from VIA (IMVIA). Please contact them directly for any further information you may need.
Feebate implemetation delayed until 1 April
The Clean Car bill has had its first reading in Parliament, Minister Wood has released a press statement following the reading.
This statement includes the wording “Due to the disruption caused by the current Delta outbreak, the expanded Clean Car Discount rebates and fees will begin from April 1 2022. This will help give the industry more time to gear up and the current rebates on electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles will continue until March 31 2022.”
This means the implementation of fees has been delayed from 1 January until 1 April 2022.
VIA welcomes this delay as it will ensure that all vehicles currently waiting compliance will be able to be processed in a timely manner, reducing pressure on compliance shops and inspection agencies.
VIA wishes also to retract the advice sent out in a recent alert insofar as it relates to registering fee-attracting vehicles before 1 January.
For any questions, please contact VIA on 0800 VIA VIA (842 842) or email