We hope your week is going well and business activity is okay….

While everyone appears to be sick of “COVID”, we’re sure you all keep abreast of how case numbers around you are, and how these affect you and the people you associate with.

Autohub has made it policy to follow Govt guidelines and rules closely, and doing all we can to keep our staff and customers safe, particularly during the DELTA outbreak.

However, with the evolution of the OMICRON outbreak, Government and society have changed their stance in dealing with this, compared to DELTA. We have now moved away from the “isolation and eradication” approach into “we now have to just live with it”.

Now that NZ’s boarders are re-opening, and with the Government taking a more relaxed approach, Autohub has been reviewing its stance on COVID.

The country appears to be managing OMICRON well with hospital admissions considered low for this outbreak. It appears there is growing confidence that NZ can start to follow the rest of the world and “open up for business” over the coming months.

We now believe it’s now timely that Autohub relax its position on requiring all staff to be fully vaccinated against COVID, as it is more likely now that we will all be interacting with infected/not infected, vaccinated/not vaccinated people as we attempt to return to normal life.

This is a change in our previous position as per our client notice you will have received dated 26th October 2021.

If you or your business still require contractors and service providers entering your premises to be fully Vaccinated for COVID, please notify us directly, or respond accordingly to the new email visit appointment requests our Sales staff will be utilising.

Our aim at this time is to act responsibly while being realistic about the environment in which we live now with COVID.

As always, if you wish to discuss further, please contact us via customerservices@autohub.co.nz or call 094117425

Thanks for your continuing support,

Team Autohub.

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