As you may (or may not) know, “Part 2” of the Government’s “Clean Car” legislation is about to come into effect January 2023.

Simply put, the Clean Car Standard (CCS) is a second penalty/rebate scheme on top of what we have now (Clean Car Feebate), and is supposed to encourage vehicle importers (not consumers) to buy and import ‘Clean Cars’.

The net effect is there will be higher totalled rebates or penalties applied to all imported vehicles, but in 2 parts – the CCS (prior to registration) and the CCD (at time of registration)


More details on the CCS…


At this stage, the Govt expects everyone/every company that imports *any vehicles to open and manage their own “Carbon Account” – more details on how to do this are coming.

There are also two types of accounts proposed by the new legislation. Large importing entities (mainly new car agents and large volume dealers) will qualify to have a Category 1 account type, while smaller entities all the way down to individuals will have to apply for a Category 2 account.

The differences are:

  • Category 1 – Annual average account. This is where the importer records ALL the CO2 figures for ALL cars they have imported over a year,  which, when assessed, results in a penalty payable of a rebate receivable total.
  • Category 2 – Pay-as-you-go account. This means the importer will have to calculate the CO2 factors for every vehicle against the target CO2 figure for that vehicle and either pay a penalty, or ‘bank’ a credit on their account for that vehicle against their account before the vehicle can be registered.

Looking at the qualifying details for Category 1 or Category 2 account holders, we believe none of you will qualify for Category 1 , however, Autohub NZ Ltd on “aggregate “may do.

If it’s possible, Autohub NZ Ltd could be able to manage all your CO2 account requirements for you, however, Do you, as a vehicle importer, wish to manage your own CO2 account, or would you prefer Autohub NZ Limited managed your CO2 related matters for you/your business?

We would appreciate your feedback on this fairly quickly.

We have not yet moved to set up anything at this stage until we gauge whether it’s worthwhile to do so, so please come back to us with your thoughts.

*Not applicable to vehicles classed as Low Volume, SIV or over 40 years of age.

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Team Autohub.

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