Autohub News

Customer Notice – Q1 2023 BAF Rate

Season’s Greetings, Re: Reduced BAF rates for Q1 2023   All shipping lines we use have now advised Q1 2023 pricing, and we’re very pleased to advise a reduction for BAF charges. For Q1 2023,...

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Customer Notice – CCS

Greetings, Please see the below update from VIA regarding how CCS may impact stock you already have here in NZ: CCS, have your penalty attracting vehicles complied before 1 January 2023! VIA reminds...

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The Clean Car Standard Update and Overview

Greetings, The Clean Car Standard (CCS) is fast approaching and is the second scheme that will be operating in tandem to the Clean Car Discount (CCD) as part of the government’s decarbonisation...

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Customer Notice – Inner Cargo

Greetings, Autohub has been advised by our shipping lines that Japan Customs are taking a “stricter” stance on parts being shipped in vehicles. From now, all parts/wheels for shipping in vehicles...

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Customer Notice – Q4 BAF Increase

Greetings, Re: BAF increase for Quarter 4, Japan to NZ Autohub has been advised by all shipping lines that BAF (Bunker Fuel Adjustment Factor) rates will increase for Q4 of this year. BAF is...

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BMSB Heat Treatment to Resume

Greetings.   Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) season starts September 1st again. As usual, all used vehicles being loaded in Japan on or after this date will be subject to mandatory Heat Treatment...

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Customer Notice – GRI increase

Greetings. Re: General Shipping and Transport rate increases for Quarter 3, effective July 1st.   Shipping: Autohub has received notification from all the shipping lines we use, that their charges...

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New TXT Reminders

You may be hearing from us a little more than usual… We fully understand that you’re busy and may not always be available to check email reminders when payments and/or agent releases are due. So, to...

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