Autohub NZ has been informed last night that there has been some IT issues experienced in Japan, part of which has been a main server failure. This has caused issues with some of the services and data provided from HUBNET to Autohub NZ, namely the corruption or loss of some Vehicle gate in survey photos and some shipping documentation.

We have also been advised that IT engineers have reported no data breaches have occurred during this failure, and as a further precaution, this matter will be notified to the Japanese authorities.

Data recovery has started already and we hope to get back to “business as usual” as soon as possible. In the meantime, we apologise for any inconvenience or delay this causes.

We will update you as we receive updates from Autohub Japan.

If you have any queries, or wish to discuss, please contact us via or 09 4117425


Team Autohub

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