
Re: Latest NZTA notice on CCS


Please see the latest Clean Car Program announcement from NZTA

Kia ora

The Clean Car Standard changes come into effect from 1 June.

This update covers:

  • what the 1 June changes are
  • how to sign up for one of our webinars about the changes
  • where to find other resources about the changes
  • how to get Anti-Money Laundering verified (if you wish to transfer credits)

In other news, this week the Government announced changes to the Clean Car Discount programme, and we’ve included an item on this at the end of this update.

As always, if you have any questions contact the Clean Car Standard team on 0800 141 801.

Nga mihi

The Clean Car Standard team

What are the Clean Car Standard 1 June changes?

If you’re a Pay As You Go (PAYG) importer:

  • you need to start paying charges as you accept vehicles in your CO2 account
  • you need to make a one-off payment for any charges incurred between 1 January and 31 May 2023
  • you can use credits to offset charges, or transfer them with other accounts.

If you want to transfer credits with other importers:

  • you need to be Anti-Money Laundering (AML) verified first – regardless of whether you’re transferring or receiving credits (see item below for more information on AML verification).
  • you can choose to go onto the CCS Account Register. This is a list of account holders who would like to connect with other account holders for credit trading purposes.

Sign up for a May webinar about the changes

Come to one of the webinars we’re running about the 1 June changes. All webinars will cover exactly the same information – so you only need to come to one. Email us at to let us know which one you want to attend, and we’ll send you a link to join.

Tuesday 16 May 2023, 1pm – 2pm

Thursday 18 May 2023, 9.30am – 10.30am

Tuesday 23 May 2023, 1pm – 2pm

Wednesday 24 May 2023, 2pm – 3pm

Other resources to help you prepare for 1 June

You’ll find information on our dedicated ‘1 June changes’ webpage: 1 June CCS changes.

Here you’ll find more information about the changes – including:

  • how to make payments
  • how to use credits to offset charges
  • how to transfer credits
  • AML verification (process will be updated on website on Monday 8 May)
  • the CCS Account Register.

You’ll also find links to other useful resources including our 1 June changes flyer which is available for downloading and printing out.

More about AML verification

Importers wishing to transfer or receive credits must undergo Anti-Money Laundering (AML) checks first.

Why AML verification is required

This is a requirement under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 to help tackle money laundering in New Zealand.

In line with this legislation, Waka Kotahi is required to conduct customer due diligence on importers wishing to trade credits under the CCS. This includes understanding importers’ ownership structures and verifying the identity of associated individuals.

Waka Kotahi also recommends that importers seek their own legal advice in relation to AML prior to transferring credits with other account holders.

What’s involved in getting verified?

Waka Kotahi is engaging an AML provider to undertake customer due diligence on our behalf.

They’ll require you to provide information that confirms your name, date of birth and address – such as your driver’s license or birth certificate. In the case of companies or trusts, the directors, shareholders, trustees and non-discretionary trust beneficiaries may also need to provide this information.

Your information will only be used to conduct customer due diligence and identity verification. It will remain confidential and will not be shared outside of the AML provider or Waka Kotahi without your consent.

How to get AML verified 

Contact the Clean Car Standard team online through your CO2 account (use the Contact Us button), call us on 0800 141 801 or email

We’ll then arrange for the AML provider to contact you to start the verification process in the second half of May.

Once the process is complete, the AML provider will let Waka Kotahi know of the outcome, and we’ll then advise you.

If you are successfully verified, we’ll activate the credit transfer function in your account so you can start transferring credits from 1 June.

When you can do it

You can contact us now to let us know that you would like to transfer credits. The verification process will start in the second half of May.

Clean Car Discount changes announced this week

As a self-financing scheme, the Clean Car Discount’s rebates and fees require regular review and adjustment to ensure fees generate enough revenue to fund the scheme’s rebates and administration costs.

From 1 July 2023 rebates and fees for the Clean Car Discount will be changing.

Some of the changes are:

  • a special rebate for new and used low emission disability vehicles will be introduced
  • for new vehicles, the maximum rebate will decrease, and the maximum fee will increase
  • the threshold at which vehicles will be subject to fees will reduce from 192 grams of CO2 per kilometre to 150 grams.

Find out more on the Waka Kotahi website: Clean Car Discount changes 1 July 2023.


A reminder that the Clean Car Discount and Clean Car Standard are different schemes:

The Clean Car Discount

  • is for car buyers
  • aims to increase demand for low or zero emission vehicles
  • consists of rebates and fees based on CO2 emissions for new and used eligible vehicles.

Clean Car Discount fees are paid at the time the vehicle is first registered in New Zealand. Rebates are on an application basis and are applied for after registration.

The Clean Car Standard

  • is for importers
  • aims to increase the supply of low or zero emission vehicles into New Zealand
  • charges importers for vehicles with emissions above the target and gives credits for vehicles with emissions below the target, using calculations that take into account the vehicle’s weight.

If you import a vehicle for your own use (that is, you are also the purchaser), you will be subject to both schemes.

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