As you will be aware, the Global economic and political situations in play now are having the collective effect of pushing up global oil pricing.

As well as seeing continual price increases at the pump, we have begun to see the introduction of BAF (Bunker Fuel Adjustments) levies being considered by all the major shipping lines bringing used cars to NZ.

At this stage, we have been notified by Armacup to expect a BAF levy per vehicle of up to $55 NZD effective for all vehicles shipped on or after November 1st.

We have spoken to our other major lines and they confirm BAF levies are being discussed and may be forthcoming shortly. At this stage, Toyofuji are still in discussion and have yet to confirm.

In any cases, Autohub will have no choice but to pass on any additional levies where charged by the shipping lines as an extra.

While our D2D services use multiple shipping lines, it may prove difficult and/or impractical to shift all of our volume to one shipping line as the shear shipping capacity available is not able to cope.
This together with delays, on port storage fees in Japan and larger waiting times between shipment arrivals may also prove more expensive. – Simply put, it’s not easy or the smart choice to just shift all cargo to the cheapest providers of the day.

We strive to provide the best service to our customers in the most timely and cost efficient way available to us.

We will keep you informed as further information from the shipping lines become available. In the meantime, if you wish to discuss with us, please contact

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